Knowledge Guides
Past Paper Questions
Revision Booklets
Revision PowerPoints
Revision Tips
To revise for your GCSE Religious Studies GCSE, there are plenty of resources to use and ways to revise. We recommend some of the following:
Revision Guide for AQA GSE Religious Studies A
Seneca for AQA GCSE Religious Studies
BBC Bitesize + name of the topic
Teams – for all of your lesson ppts
Kerboodle (school username and password + institution code: rtd5)
Use the revision booklets and past papers on offer to revise content and practice questions
Retrieve-Build-Apply – look back at something you might need a recap or recall on, add to it with content you have yet to revise and then apply it to an exam question
Teachers – we are a resource, so talk to us!
Exercise books – notes and quotes
Use the resources on this website
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