Governing Body
Guildford County School is governed by a Local Governing Body, which is a committee of the board of trustees of Learning Partners Academy Trust, who have overall responsibility for governance of the school. The Local Governing Body is comprised of eight Community Governors, three Parent Governors, three Staff Governors (including the Headteacher who is ex-officio) and one Co-opted Governor.
Governors are volunteers who give their time and expertise freely to support the school by
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school;
- Holding school leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance of staff; and
- Overseeing the school's financial performance of the organisation and make sure its money is well spent.
The specific responsibilities of the governing body are detailed within the trust's scheme of delegation and Local Governing Body terms of reference.
Governors meet regularly through the term to discuss all main aspects of the school and visit the school regularly to understand, support and monitor school life.
A governor’s term of office is four years. The Governing Body appoints all governors, except staff and parent governors, where elections are held. Appointments are made according to the skills needed by the governing body. For Parent and Staff Governor positions if there are the same number of candidates as vacancies (or fewer) then the Governors are appointed without an election taking place.
Howard Moss (Parent Governor), Hilary Readhead (Parent Governor) and Carole Weston (Staff Governor) were the only governors to have left the Governing Body in the last twelve months.
Alison Curtis is the Chair of Governors. Email:
All governors can be contacted via the school.
Community Governors
Alison Curtis (LGB Chair -
Iwan Hall
Cassia Howells
Jules Kendrick
Andy Milner
Gavin O'Grady (Vice Chair)
James Relph
Adrian Woodman
Parent Governors
Rebecca Hitch
David Morland
Lizzie Stephens (known as Lizzie Nolan)
Staff Governors
Jemma Boddington
Mark Grimmett
Steve Smith (Headteacher)
Co-opted Governors
Anna Cook
Alison Faulkner is the Clerk to the Local Governing Body and can be contacted on