Exam Certificates
Exam Certificate Collection 2024 / 2025
There are three ways in which you can obtain your official certificates, please see the details noted below.
- Option 1: You are welcome to collect your results from the main school office in person on either of the following dates and times:
Tuesday 18th March 8.30 - 10.30am
Tuesday 25th March 2.30 - 4.30 pm.
PLEASE NOTE that certificates are not available for collection outside of these dates.
- Option 2: Complete a candidate permission form to enable someone else to collect them on your behalf.
- Option 3: Complete a recorded delivery request form and pay the required fee (attached.)
Please be aware that your certificates will only be kept for a period of one year, after which time they will be securely destroyed. You should also bear in mind that if your certificates are destroyed, you would need to contact the exam boards directly via their websites to request a Certifying Statement of Results, which will incur an exam board fee of roughly £50 per certificate.
If you were awarded an amendment to your original grades as a result of a review of marking, please return your certificates to the Guildford County Exams Office as soon as you receive them and they will arrange for new certificates to be sent to us.
If a student has not collected their certificates on any of the previously arranged dates and times, there will, unfortunately, be no further opportunities to collect them until early July 2025 (date is TBA- please do keep an eye on the school website).
Kind regards,
Guildford County School
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Upcoming Events
- Monday24MarYr 12 Mocks exams weekView Event
- Thursday27MarYr 8 Parents EveningView Event
- Friday28MarFriends quiz night 7-10pmView Event
- Tuesday01AprMusic Gala ConcertView Event
- Thursday03AprWinter Sports and House Art DayView Event
- Tuesday22AprYr10 Exams commenceView Event
- Friday25AprFriends of GCS coffee morningView Event